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Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams, Office 365 Licenses and More

CMS partners with AppDirect, a leading provider of Microsoft software, offering a wide range of solutions that can help your organization achieve its goals.  From productivity tools like Teams and Office 365, to cloud-based platforms like Azure and Dynamics 365, AppDirect's platform makes it easy to visualize usage, track invoices and consolidate licenses.  Not only can you take advantage of these management features to inform subscription renewals and identify potential savings, you can also reduce IT costs with automated employee onboarding and offboarding workflows.  In just a few clicks, IT admins can quickly provision accounts to set users up on day one.

Whether you are looking to change your Microsoft license provider or explore options to voice enable your current Teams platform, CMS is here to help.  Our experts and primary providers can help you migrate to a lower cost, higher support vendor.  We offer the support you need with a two-tiered approach giving your business a two-for-one special on support, escalations and service.

Our agnostic and transparent process was established so you can explore options before, during and after contract.

Microsoft Teams Art of the Possible

Microsoft Teams is a fully integrated teamwork solution with enterprise-grade security.

This centralized hub for teamwork offers flexibility and choice in how they connect, share and communicate.


Meet smarter and simplify work with Teams Essentials

Meeting experiences to connect teams


Secure remote teamwork with

Microsoft 365

Simplify day-to-day workflows


Modernize communications with Teams Phone

Rich voice and video experiences across devices

Already Using Microsoft Teams?
Let Us Help You Voice Enable It

Finding, implementing and adopting a user-friendly solution for communications is no small task. Moreover, when people get used to using Teams for chat and collaboration, they naturally ask, 'Why can't we use it to make phone calls too?'

Modernize communications by integrating calls seamlessly into the flow of work.  Microsoft Teams helps unite your workforce with a simplified and connected experience.  You can start a call from chat, contact card, Outlook or the Call app.  Stay connected with a single phone number across your computer, mobile devices and desk phone.

Simplify communications with an all-in-one solution

Call from anywhere on any device

Secure, reliable and rich calling

Streamline management

CMS can guide you through the options, manage your implementation and act as a secondary resource for escalations and support.  Our partners can provide Direct Routing on a CLEC level, offering a more traditional set of phone features and a better service level for your voice communications.  Through Direct Routing or Operator Connect, we can offer you various service platforms to fit your specific needs while maintaining cost effectiveness.

Want to find out more?

Our Sales Representatives are eager to assist you!

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